Introduction to this Site.

This is the official newsletter site for Bart Baggett’s Weekly Strokes handwriting analysis, graphology, and personal development newsletter. Subscriber here, or get the RSS feed. Learn more about all the programs, books, teleclasses, newsletter, articles, and video certification home study courses at MYHANDWRITING.COM

About The Author


  1. ALOK SAXENA says:

    I wish a great success to yr organization and yr newsletter. I feel confidence since I started reading informations regarding hand analysis providede by you
    I hope yu will keep me updating in future. I also read yr article in The Hindu.
    Regards and Best Wishes


  2. I started my handwriting ‘education’ by completing the Change Your Handwriting, Change Your Life workbook. What an excellent way to start making major changes in your life! My life has totally turned around–for the better! This workbook should be a required assignment in every high school. My self confidence and self esteem have gone through the roof and I am now completing all those projects I once started and never finished. I have also completed the Certification Course and am now enrolled in the Forensic Document Exam course – I can’t wait to see what my future has in store for me! Thanks Bart, for making this so fun and easy to learn.

  3. Tina Jimenez says:

    I’ve been receiving your mail for a long time now and I want to take your course, finally. I just went through the nastiest divorce, being falsely accused of something I didn’t do. My case was dismissed, but that was only the beginning of the hell that I endured. I want to take a course from you but don’t know which one to take. What do you suggest for a beginner who is really serious about reading handwriting and avoid what I just endured from my X.