Selling Books on Kindle: Tyler Wagner Tips

Tyler Wagner, an author that markets his work both on Amazon as well as physical copies, has come to master it. As he sits down with best selling author Bart Baggett, Wagner shares a few of his secrets.

Selling on average about twenty books a day, he also has fantastic sales online. The twist, however, is that he gives away free content. How could this help his sales if he’s letting the reader have a piece no charge? Tyler states:

“I actually offer that before you even buy it….  I was thinking that maybe that would actually ruin my book sales, like people wouldn’t buy it because I’m giving it away for free, but I don’t think it actually affected it whatsoever.”

His strategy in a nutshell is to give his readers a taste, leave them wanting more, and they come back and buy the book for the details within. Mr. Baggett picked up on this. In the interview he says:

“nonfiction books that have quotes in it, that have graphs, that have maybe statistics or something that I might use in a speech, I want a copy of that. I’d like to have a hard copy of that, so if I’m listening to that, and there’s all these really great statistics or quotes, I’ll go back and buy the book, I mean, it’s only $4-5, right? I think that’s what you’re seeing because you’re giving very tangible, tactical aspects for how to do it and reciprocity is key.”

Mr. Wagner’s clever tricks have proved profitable, being his books make the top ten books on Amazon in the first four days. These skills are critical to those striving to be a best selling author, and those willing to take these tips should run with them.

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